Private Labelling of AVA approved products. The most efficient way to get your ASD brand into the market with approval.

The FM Approvals step
The FM Approvals Private Labeling/Trade Agent process enables original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) of FM Approved products to enter into a private label agreement with someone else and retain the FM Approvals’ certification. Like our certification process, the Private Labeling/Trade Agent agreement process is straightforward and efficient. Once the agreement is established, the private labeled/trade agent product will be listed in our Approval Guide or RoofNav.STEP 1
Initial Request
The original equipment manufacturer (OEM) submits a letter, fax or email to FM Approvals, requesting a Private Label/Trade Agreement with the private labeler/trade agent. FM Approvals will provide a Private Labeler Application form to the OEM to gather the private labeler/trade agent contact information and to define the product(s) to be included in the agreement.
Proposal Issue and OEM Authorization
The completed Private Labeler Application form is returned to FM Approvals. This information is used in the preparation of a formal proposal that outlines the scope of work, the required supporting information needed to complete the request, and terms and conditions. Provided that the OEM is satisfied with the proposal, the OEM then authorizes the proposal in writing (letter, fax or email) and submits all requested information identified in the proposal.
Review and Agreement Preparation
The supporting information is reviewed by FM Approvals. If complete, the Private Labeler Agreement will be created along with the FM Approval Guide or RoofNav listing for the private labeler/trade agent and revisions to the OEM’s files, as needed, to support future surveillance audits.
Agreement Signatures, Confirmation and Listing
The completed Private Labeler Agreement is forwarded to the OEM for review and signature, then forwarded from the OEM directly to the private labeler/trade agent for review and signature and finally returned to FM Approvals for review and final processing. FM Approvals will send a confirmation letter and copy of the signed Private Labeler Agreement to the OEM and the private labeler/trade agent indicating that the agreement has been accepted by FM Approvals and is in place.
Annual Renewal
Private Labeler Agreements are subject to an annual renewal fee in order to maintain the private labeler/trade agent listings in the FM Approval Guide or RoofNav. The annual renewal fee is the responsibility of the private labeler/trade agent for the product covered by each Private Labeler Agreement.